The effects of Industrial Revolution on environment in the last few centuries had been very drastic. Industries need to think seriously about what they can do to hinder global warming. Carbon Capture and Storage deserves more attention than what it is getting. If we can capture the carbon-dioxide that industries produce, before it enters the atmosphere, it will definitely aid in reducing green house effect.
What can we do with the captured carbon-dioxide? We can store it in abandoned mine shafts, or we can device a way to get it out of our atmosphere. These day and age we dream of building space elevators. Why can't we dream of building tall smoke stacks which will release the captured carbon-dioxide out of our atmosphere. Or better yet, develop some high altitude airplanes, which will go out of earth's gravity for a short time, release the captured carbon-dioxide out in the space and then come back. The earth is our home. Industries need to device ways to release its exhaust beyond earth's atmosphere. Just like, when we are cooking at home, we let the chimney take our exhaust out of our living space.
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