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Monday, April 9, 2012

Anthology of Demising Industries

Due to advancement in computer technology, many industries are becoming things of the past. For example, the neighborhood print shops. Previously, if we needed some letterheads, envelops, business cards or fliers, we would run to the local print shop. But, now we do all those things on our computer. It makes you ponder, what other industries are becoming obsolete.

Publishers are selling books in electronics formats. In ten years, book sellers will have no reason to maintain huge book stores in malls and other places. Unless, the stock up variety of other items to sell.

Public libraries are becoming like play grounds for kids and Internet hubs for adults.

Remember Blockbuster Video? In the 90's, it , along with other video stores, were the coolest stores on the block. The whole industry was whacked out of business by digital downloads.

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