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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Preaching Corporate Democracy

Here, in the west, we take democracy for granted. But, in many countries, democracy is a dreadful word. Fearful to the dictators who want to cling on to their power for generations. Fearful to the oppressed population who are afraid of retaliation for speaking out their mind. But it is hard to conceal your thoughts in this day and age of Internet and cell phone. As a result,civil unrest is becoming peoples choice in many parts of the globe.

Western democracies are eager to propagate democracy all over the world. Governments are spending billions in that cause, mostly through military activities. But, is it working?  If it is not, then it time for us to review our approach.

Business world has changed dramatically over the last century.In the old days, business ownership was pretty much a one man operation. If  you had the dough, you open up a business and hire some employees. Some people had the craze for land ownership. They saw every thing in real estate and build real estate empire. These days enterprenures team up with many people to start up a large business venture. You cannot do it all by yourself. Then again, when you want to raise some capital, you have to turn to stock market. The ownership then gets more diversified and a corporate democracy begins.  The shareholders chooses the board of directors to run the company.

Collective ownership is revolutionizing housing industry. In Toronto, condo sales reached all time high. In colder climate, owning a condo makes more sense for a busy life style. From snow removal to yard work, all are taken care collectively. Cost of utilities is also cheaper as they are procured collectively. And, when you are living in a condo, you are living under the democracy of condo corporation. In Asian countries, condo ownership is getting popular because of ever increasing population density.

Karl Marx's idea of operating a big business was through state ownership.State was to own the land, the company and was entitled to all the profit from business operation. The citizens job was to work for the company  There was no incentive for working hard. Everyone made similar wage. After decades of experimentation, the world, pretty much, rejected the idea. But the way Soviet block countries preached the idea all over the world was quite admirable.

In this century, we should preach Corporate Democracy, vigorously, all over the word. Wherever there is stock market, industrialized countries should aid in modernizing the trading activities through technical help and training. The art of raising capital through the stock market should be taught to the rest of the world. Whenever a under developed country comes for foreign aid for building infrastructure, we should teach them how to look for money in their grandma's coffer, and convince her to invest in a toll road or a bridge.

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