Solar panels are playing a major role in powering International Space Station, space probes, communication satellites, space telescopes and rovers roaming on Mars. But here on earth, not so much.
Big cities should be flooded with solar panels. All the highrises must have solar panels on the roof, batteries and inverters in the basement. The electricity generated can be consumed by the building or sold to the local grid. Imagine, if every building generated its own electricity, the amount of relief the local grid will enjoy. Imagine the amount of fossil fuel that will be saved, sparing the atmosphere of tons of green house gas. Big cities are jungles of highrises, consuming huge amount of electricity. Solar panels on a highrise can be compared to leaves on tree. As leaves produce nutrition for the tree using sunlight, solar panels can generate electricity for the building. So, bigger the building, the more solar panels (leaves) it should have.
By the middle of this century, most cars in the streets will be electric car. It is in itself a good news in combating global warming. However, such a large number of electric cars will exert a tremendous pressure on the local grids. Here, solar panels on the roofs of cars can come to the rescue. Auto manufacturers should look into integrating high efficiency solar panels in their autobody desingns. As a matter of fact, any electro-mechanical device roaming the the earth under the sum should have solar panel.
Coming back to present, we should all play our part of letting solar panel generate a part of electricity consumption. Whether we live in a highrise or a house, we should have some solar generated lighting in our home.